This is the Proof & Generalization of Collatz Theorem!
    It Shows That Everything Goes To One (GOD)    
    3n +1 ======> a(n) +/- b    
    Reverse Operation For Collatz Theorem!    
    You Can Enter "a" & "b" and find the "n" numbers that reaches to One. If you leave "b" blank the program will find it for "a" & "n"    
  Number (a) (a) can be Any ODD Integers {3 - 99}.    
Number b Enter An Odd Number for "b" Between 10^1 - 10^15. If you leave it blank the program will find it for "a" and "n"
  Number n If you want a Collatz Set for a Number You can enter for "n" Between 10^1 - 10^15. If you leave it blank you get all the number that meet criteria.    
  Collatz Theorem was generalized and proved by Higher Mathematician Oktay Haraççı. And programmed by Gaye Haraççı.